Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favourite things in the entire world. Just uttering his name is enough to bring me exquisite joy. For those unfamiliar with his greatness, he is the writer and director responsible for critically acclaimed and visually magnificent films such as ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ and ‘Hellboy II: the Golden Army’. Currently he’s on a whirlwind world tour to promote the new vampire novel ‘The Strain’, which he co-authored with horror writer Chuck Hogan. It’s the first in a trilogy of books and its release has provided a rare opportunity for devoted fans to meet their hero.
Having graduated from inventive low budget horror movies to Hollywood blockbusters, Del Toro’s talents are now in fierce demand. His next project is a two part big screen adaptation of J.R.R.Tolkien’s epic fantasy masterpiece ‘the Hobbit’. So for the next four years Guillermo will be living in the distant realm of Middle Earth (formerly known as New Zealand). In a recent interview he remarked that "Contributing to the 'Lord of the Rings' legacy is an absolute dream come true.” This is a sentiment shared by many fans who wisely regard him as the perfect choice for the daunting project.
There are many reasons why I love Guillermo and you should too...
His voice is like a warm Mexican blanket. It’s the kind of voice you could get lost in and wander around happily for several days. But this isn’t the only reason for listening to him. His DVD commentary tracks are master classes in literature, pop culture and the art of making cinema. Del Toro has an astounding imagination as a writer. Pulp novels, comic books, fairytales and mythology are all part of his rich heritage of influences. Del Toro’s own unique vision, combines fantastical beauty and horror, with subtle human melodrama.
Visually his films are strongly influenced by iconic artists such as Jack Kirby and Ray Harryhausen. Del Toro’s films often combine kinetic comic book action with his own lifelong fascination for monsters. Mechanical Nazis, indestructible golden armies, fairies and a seven foot red demon detective are just some of the dazzling creatures to inhabit Guillermo’s worlds. He prefers the ‘old fashioned’ magic of prosthetics and puppetry to the shiny false gods of CGI. This makes his most absurd and wonderful creations even more real and tactile.
One of Del Toro’s most admirable traits is his self-proclaimed desire to make the films that he would want to see as a fan. His unashamed passion for the things that he loves is inspiring to hear and evident on screen in all his work. In person he is warm, jovial and as excited by what he creates as any of his admirers. Knowing of his enthusiasm for mechanical toys, I gave him a book about it. I also gave him some clotted cream (his secret obsession). I hope he enjoys them as much as I have enjoyed endlessly re-watching Hellboy II.
They say that you should never meet your heroes, because they’ll only disappoint you. However, for me, meeting Guillermo was a profound pleasure and a privilege. I can now happily confirm that he doesn’t just look like a friendly bear, he hugs like one too...
Link below to video of Guillermo at the launch of ‘the Strain’. (Our special moment at 2.55).
‘The Strain’ is available in stores now, ‘the Hobbit’ won’t be finished for several years yet, but WILL be worth the wait...
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